Backend module

The module provides a unified interface for running inference and implementations of different types of backends. Each concrete backend wraps some execution provider or technology, so you don’t need to do anything special, just create Backend instance and use it. There are also preconfigured backends (presets) that can be useful for finding the optimal backend and its parameters.


With this version, we’ve introduced input_example parameter, which is used to infer shapes for models with dynamic axes and allows us to enable useful optimizations.

This parameter is mandatory for models with dynamic axes and recommended in all other cases.

List of backends for which this parameter was introduced:

  • OrtOpenvinoBackend

  • OrtOpenvinoFloatBackend

  • OrtTensorrtBackend

  • OrtTensorrtFloatBackend

  • OrtTensorrtFloatOptimBackend

  • OrtTensorrtInt8Backend

Backend interface

Interface for running inference. All backends implemented in ENOT Lite framework follow this basic interface.

class Backend

Interface for running inference.

abstract get_inputs()

Returns model input.

Return type


abstract get_outputs()

Returns model output.

Return type


abstract run(output_names, input_feed, **kwargs)

Computes the predictions.

  • output_names – Names of the output.

  • input_feed – Dictionary { input_name: input_value }.

  • **kwargs – Native backend options.

Return type


ORT Backend interface

Interface for backends based on ONNX Runtime.

class OrtBackend(model, provider_name, provider_options=None, session_options=None, **kwargs)

Generic version of ORT based backend.

There are subclasses with different presets based on this backend:
  • OrtTensorrtBackend

  • OrtOpenVinoBackend

  • OrtCpuBackend

  • OrtCudaBackend

__init__(model, provider_name, provider_options=None, session_options=None, **kwargs)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • provider_name (str) – Name of an ORT execution provider which will be used in inference.

  • provider_options (Optional[Dict]) – Execution provider options or None.

  • session_options (Optional[ort.SessionOptions]) – Session options or None.


Returns model input.


Returns model output.

run(output_names, input_feed, **kwargs)

Computes the predictions.

  • output_names – Names of the output.

  • input_feed – Dictionary { input_name: input_value }.

  • **kwargs – Native backend options.

ORT CPU Backend

class OrtCpuBackend(model, inter_op_num_threads=None, intra_op_num_threads=None)

ORT backend with a CPU execution provider.

__init__(model, inter_op_num_threads=None, intra_op_num_threads=None)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • inter_op_num_threads (Optional[int]) – Number of threads used to parallelize the execution of the graph (across nodes). Default is None (will be set by backend).

  • intra_op_num_threads (Optional[int]) – Number of threads used to parallelize the execution within nodes. Default is None (will be set by backend).

ORT CUDA Backend

class OrtCudaBackend(model, provider_options=None)

ORT backend with a CUDA execution provider.

__init__(model, provider_options=None)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • provider_options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – CUDA ORT provider options or None.

ORT OpenVINO Backend

class OrtOpenvinoBackend(model, provider_options=None, input_example=None, **kwargs)

ORT backend with a OpenVINO execution provider.

There are presets based on this backend:
  • OrtOpenvinoFloatBackend

__init__(model, provider_options=None, input_example=None, **kwargs)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • provider_options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – OpenVINO ORT provider options or None.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.

ORT OpenVINO Float Backend

class OrtOpenvinoFloatBackend(model, input_example=None, num_of_threads=None)

ORT backend with a OpenVINO execution provider configured with CPU_FP32 option.


>>> from enot_lite.backend import OrtOpenvinoFloatBackend
>>> backend = OrtOpenvinoFloatBackend('model.onnx', input_example=sample)
>>> input_name = backend.get_inputs()[0].name
>>>, {input_name: sample})
__init__(model, input_example=None, num_of_threads=None)
  • model (Union[str, Path, ModelProto]) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.

  • num_of_threads (Optional[int]) – Number of threads used for inference.

ORT TensorRT Backend

class OrtTensorrtBackend(model, provider_options=None, input_example=None, **kwargs)

ORT backend with a TensorRT execution provider.

There are presets based on this backend:
  • OrtTensorrtFloatBackend

  • OrtTensorrtFloatOptimBackend

  • OrtTensorrtInt8Backend


The first launch of this backend can take a long time.

__init__(model, provider_options=None, input_example=None, **kwargs)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • provider_options (Optional[Dict]) – TensorRT execution provider options or None.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.

ORT TensorRT Float Backend

class OrtTensorrtFloatBackend(model, input_example=None)

ORT backend with a TensorRT execution provider with default options.


The first launch of this backend can take a long time.


>>> from enot_lite.backend import OrtTensorrtFloatBackend
>>> backend = OrtTensorrtFloatBackend('model.onnx', input_example=sample)
>>> input_name = backend.get_inputs()[0].name
>>>, {input_name: sample})
__init__(model, input_example=None)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.

ORT TensorRT Optimal Float Backend

class OrtTensorrtFloatOptimBackend(model, input_example=None)

ORT backend with a TensorRT execution provider configured with the optimal precision of floating point data type.


The first launch of this backend can take a long time.


>>> from enot_lite.backend import OrtTensorrtFloatOptimBackend
>>> backend = OrtTensorrtFloatOptimBackend('model.onnx', input_example=sample)
>>> input_name = backend.get_inputs()[0].name
>>>, {input_name: sample})
__init__(model, input_example=None)
  • model (TModelOrPath) – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.

ORT TensorRT Int-8 Backend

class OrtTensorrtInt8Backend(model, calibration_table, input_example=None)

ORT backend with a TensorRT execution provider configured with int8.


The first launch of this backend can take a long time.


>>> from enot_lite.backend import OrtTensorrtInt8Backend
>>> from enot_lite.calibration import CalibrationTableTensorrt
>>> from enot_lite.calibration import calibrate
>>> calibration_table = CalibrationTableTensorrt.from_file_flatbuffers('table.flatbuffers')  # Load from file.
>>> calibration_table = calibrate('model.onnx', dataloader)  # Create calibration table using Pytorch Dataloader.
>>> backend = OrtTensorrtInt8Backend('model.onnx', calibration_table, input_example=sample)
>>> input_name = backend.get_inputs()[0].name
>>>, {input_name: sample})
__init__(model, calibration_table, input_example=None)
  • model – Filename or serialized ONNX format model in a byte string.

  • calibration_table (Union[CalibrationTableTensorrt, Union[str, Path]]) – Precalculated calibration table.

  • input_example (Optional[Any]) – Example of input data, only required if the model has dynamic axes. None by default.